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Your Impact

Your Donation - Your Impact

We couldn't do the work that we do without you, our community partner and friend.

How your donation helps


Provides a family with Supervised Visitation, Monitored Visitation, or Custodial Exchange


Provide training and support to one CASA volunteer for one year


Provide one Parent Enrichment Class to one family


Help provide a Parent Liaison to an elementary or middle school

Your Impact

The Family Visitation Program

The Family Visitation Program provides a safe, monitored neutral environment for children to visit with their family members. 

52 Families

92 Children

2035 Hours of Visitation

935 Parent Coaching Hours

141 Safe Exchanges

CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocate Program

CASAs provide a voice for children who need it most. 

32 Advocates

110 Children

1463 Volunteer Hours


26 Achieved a Safe and

Permanent Home

Parent Liaison Program

Parent liaisons provide support for families with challenges outside of school so that children can succeed inside of school. 

988 Families received information/support from their parent liaison

279 Families worked with their parent liaison on an ongoing basis

1930 Referrals made to community or school resources

Parent Enrichment Program

The Parent Enrichment Program provides support and parent enrichment opportunities for all families. Our programming is evidence-based and we have curriculums designed for all families that meets families where they are and helps them grow to where they want to be. 

119 Families participated in Parent Enrichment opportunities

98% of Parents would recommend a Compass Parent Enrichment class. 

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